Renters insurance is similar to homeowners insurance, except it does not provide coverage for the dwelling itself. Renters insurance helps protect you, your belongings and expenses associated with temporary living arrangements after a covered loss.
A common misconception for renters is that their belongings are covered under the landlord's insurance policy. This is not true.
A Landlord's policy covers your landlord's building and landlord's provided furnishings. This is where renter's insurance comes in.
what is renters insurance
Renters insurance protects your personal belongings in a property you rent from unexpected circumstances such as a fire or theft, otherwise known as covered perils.
Types of Coverage & What it may cover:
Personal Property - The cost to repair or replace your belongings, such as clothing, furniture and electronics, up to the limits in your policy.
Liability - The cost to repair someone else's property if you accidentally damage it.
renters insurance may also cover you if
You are forced to temporarily move out of your home: In the event your home becomes unlivable due to damage caused by a covered instance such as a fire or vandalism, renters insurance can help cover the cost of alternative living arrangements while your home is repaired or rebuilt.
A person is injured on your property and requires medical attention: Personal liability coverage is designed to protect you, as well as other individuals who visit your home, if an accident were to occur. This type of coverage will help pay for medical costs and legal fees that you could end up incurring.
Items you keep inside your car are damaged or lost: Depending on your renters insurance policy, you may be covered for belongings that you keep inside your car. Note that this coverage does not include equipment or systems installed in the car.
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"Disclaimer: The content contained in this blog is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered insurance advice since every client's needs and circumstances are different.. Bergen Insurance Group, LLC makes no representation as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All statements represent the sole opinion of the author and is provided on an as-is basis. For an actual description of all coverages, terms and conditions, refer to your insurance policy.”