Floods Are On The Rise - Get The Inland Flood Coverage Endorsement On Your Home Insurance Policy

According to FEMA, flood is the number one most frequently occurring natural disaster in the United States. It has impacted every state, and homeowners in low-to-moderate risk areas are often uninsured against serious losses and left with expensive repair costs.
What is a Flood?
Flood insurance covers direct physical loss caused by “flood.” In simple terms, a flood is an excess of water on land that is normally dry.
In order to discuss Inland Flood, let's first start with the official definition of "Flood" used by the National Flood Insurance Program:
A flood is “A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of two or more acres of normally dry land area or of two or more properties (at least one of which is your property) from:
Overflow of inland or tidal waters;
Unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source;
Mudflow*; or
Collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or similar body of water as a result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels that result in a flood as defined above.”
*Mudflow is defined as “A river of liquid and flowing mud on the surfaces of normally dry land areas, as when earth is carried by a current of water…”
What Is An Inland Flood?
When inland waters, such as streams or rivers, overflow and partially or completely inundate normally dry land
Unusual, rapid rain accumulation, runoff, or snowmelt that doesn't drain away or soak into the ground
When water carries mud and becomes a mudlfow
Inland Flood Coverage Highlights
Coverage Includes Damage To:
residence and certain other structures (i.e, shed, pool house)
personal property, including in a basement (sub-limits may apply)
loss of use (sub-limits may apply)
debris removal
Exclusions include, but are not limited to, damage to:
personal property not inside the home (i.e, patio furniture, barbecue equipment)
decks and fences
lawns, trees, landscaping
damage from earth movement, seepage from water table rising with no flooding near the house
sump pump discharge or overflow, or back up of sewers or drains, unless caused by flood
Contact Us Today To Purchase A Home Insurance Policy With The Inland Flood Coverage Endorsement. Call Us At 201-340-4080
"Disclaimer: The content contained in this blog is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered insurance advice since every client's needs and circumstances are different.. Bergen Insurance Group, LLC makes no representation as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All statements represent the sole opinion of the author and is provided on an as-is basis. For an actual description of all coverages, terms and conditions, refer to your insurance policy.”